ExpressVPN Security Team

ExpressVPN's Security Team contributes articles with the aim of benefiting the cybersecurity community at large.

16 Posts
188 Claps
Footprint with various digital symbols.
6 mins
How your digital footprint can impact your life
How to mitigate the risks of someone using the data from your social media posts, online shopping behavior, browsing history, IP addresses, comments and likes, and metadata from photos and documents.
A graphic representation of a VPN tunnel
7 mins
TunnelVision: ExpressVPN’s statement and assessment of the technique
ExpressVPN users are protected from the leak thanks to the robust design of our kill switch, Network Lock.
Finding bugs in code.
7 mins
Why software security audits matter
Audits help ensure software is free of vulnerabilities. Find out how we incorporate them into our overall security strategy.
A certificate with a slash through it.
6 mins
Why we’d never install a Trusted Root CA on your device
What is a Trusted Root CA, what could go wrong if a VPN company installs its own, and why we won’t ever do so.
Yubikey logo.
9 mins
Code integrity primer: GitHub commit signature verification via YubiKey
We discuss our preference for YubiKey as a form of 2FA and look at how to use YubiKey for signature verification for GitHub code commits.
Bug with Log4J logo.
4 mins
Log4Shell’s long-tail impact on your security
ExpressVPN’s mitigation technique against Log4Shell and what you can do to protect yourself against the Log4j vulnerability.
Someone whispering with a hand up.
13 mins
Cybersecurity lessons: Safer private keys with Shamir’s Secret Sharing
Learn how digital certificates work and why Shamir’s Secret Sharing is a secure method for storing private keys.
Bug with an envelope body.
10 mins
Cybersecurity lessons: Risk of email takeover via a 4th-party provider
ExpressVPN's Security Team investigated a bug that could have been exploited by signing up on Mailgun and hijacking an email subdomain.
Steps with footprints heading up.
10 mins
Cybersecurity lessons: Privilege escalation via file read/write
How a highly privileged process interacting with a lower-privilege user space can lead to attackers elevating their access or a DoS attack.
Folder with dots and slashes.
15 mins
Cybersecurity lessons: A PATH vulnerability in Windows
Our cybersecurity experts discuss the PATH environment variable and the security implications of having it misconfigured.

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