Trophy with slighty smiling emoji on it.
1 min
The world needs a VPN Emoji
Sign our petition, and vote for your favorite definition to win 12 months of ExpressVPN!
Text message hooked by a fishing rod.
21 mins
What is smishing? Spot & prevent SMS phishing scams
Scammers rely on convincing tricks and users’ trust of SMS messages. Learn what smishing is and how to spot these scams.
Padlock with eye and circuit nodes.
7 mins
Machines are learning, and they know a lot about you
Artificial intelligence makes our lives more convenient, but the tech leaves us with little privacy.
Building facade with columns and an eye.
4 mins
Government hacking: How countries surveil their own citizens
There have been numerous incidents in which governments have broken into encrypted apps. This puts your privacy at risk and raises cybersecurity concerns.
App icon with a cross and and eye.
3 mins
Our privacy analysis of 10 opioid treatment and recovery apps
The study raises questions about privacy and security surrounding telehealth, which has been on the rise amid calls for social distancing.
Percentage symbol turning into a forbidden sign.
2 mins
This symbol could break your phone’s Wi-Fi
Don’t join Wi-Fi networks named with it—your iPhone could get confused, and even resets won’t guarantee a fix.
And eggplant with a lock covering it.
5 mins
How to hide your sensitive pictures
We’re not judging your naked selfies or NSFW pictures. But here’s how to hide them on your iPhone or Android, or in secure cloud storage.
2 mins
3 browsers that block third-party cookies by default
With the sheer amount of information that can be extracted from your internet use, having a privacy-oriented browser has become essential to protecting your...
Power symbol with cross bones.
4 mins
7 technologies that ruin everything
Did e-readers ruin reading? Did dating apps ruin dating? Did streaming services ruin movie-going? Our blog writers weigh in on what technology has taken from their real-life experiences.
A phone with a fingerprint.
2 mins
Will your iPhone replace your passport or ID card?
Apple hopes so. The iPhone’s Secure Enclave already holds biometric and credit card information. Next up is your driver’s license and other forms of ID.

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