5 ways to hide your browsing history from ISPs
Whether you like it or not, your internet activity must first pass through your internet service provider (ISP) before it reaches any websites or...
Surveillance capitalism: How every ‘like’ adds to your data for sale
Many of the technology services we use daily are free. But we’re paying for them in ways you might not have considered.
How a Tesla employee saved the company from a ransomware attack
A Russian hacker has been indicted in a case alleging that he attempted to bribe the employee, who instead assisted in an FBI sting operation.
Yes, your e-reader tracks you, too. Here’s what to do about it.
Kindle tells Amazon about your page turns, dictionary lookups, highlights, notes, and more.
A researcher hacked satellite internet connections with $300 equipment
A British Ph.D. student has demonstrated how easy it is to read communications transmitted by satellites across the globe.
Denmark’s lesson in whistleblowing: Don’t arrest the whistleblowers
Seven years after Snowden, Denmark shows how a government should respond to whistleblowers.
Notorious eavesdropper NSA issues guide to hiding your location data
We're not making this up. The NSA has just issued a set of directives on how to stay safe and anonymous online.
How to back up your files and encrypt them
Choose the best backup method for you. Keep your data safe and accessible with these tips.
The social contract of the internet is under threat. That’s a problem
Our relationship with the internet is on the precipice of being altered forever. Let’s not take that lightly.
The history of the internet, when it was invented, and how it got to...
How the internet developed out of a Cold War technology to the ubiquitous phenomenon it is today.