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Swedes are inserting tiny microchips under their skin
Fed up with carrying cumbersome keychains and bulky wallets? Why not copy a growing number of Swedes and implant...
ExpressVPN’s Cyber Security GIF-away: All the winners!
This post was originally published on October 24, 2018. You tweeted, liked, and retweeted, and the results for this year’s...
How to properly dispose of your hard drives
Data is valuable. Your pictures, legal documents, chat logs, and even saved video games are all things you wouldn't...
Headed to New Zealand? Prepare to unlock your phone at Customs
NOTE: This post was originally published on October 16, 2018 Something fishy’s brewing down under—and it’s not just fish and...
ExpressVPN launches “Signals of Trustworthy VPNs” with CDT
NOTE: This post was originally published on October 16, 2018 Crunchy? Extra creamy? Reduced fat? Old-fashioned, whatever that means? We’ve all...
Win 12 months of ExpressVPN just by tweeting a GIF!
NOTE: This post was originally published on October 10, 2018 This year we’re celebrating National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM)...
Why encryption is vital in free societies
Encryption protects more than your data and it’s necessary for a free society. Find out why encryption is a human rights issue.
Facial swapping software is now open-source
Developed by experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NVIDIA, vid2vid technology allows anybody to swap the surface...
The art of social engineering: Are you being conditioned?
As we get better at securing our computer systems, we are discovering that the weakest line of defense is,...
4 ways the CIA can hack you right now
Five years ago, Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA extensively collects information on citizens worldwide. It’s now clear that...