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VPN hardware vs. VPN software
Hardware VPNs are mostly used by large companies, while software VPNs are better for individuals and small businesses.
Upgrading Lightway to DTLS 1.3, an industry first for safety and...
ExpressVPN is one of the first services in the world to implement the new version of DTLS, designed for secure communication over untrusted networks.
How to change your Google password
When did you last change your Google password? There’s no time like the present!
Why games are ideal for AI training
When AI win at games, they are also learning—and this can be good for humanity. Here’s how.
Delete Kik account: A step-by-step guide
Done with Kik Messenger? Want to help your child delete their account? Here’s how to do it.
Our time to shine: ExpressVPN at cybersecurity competitions
Read about our recent track record when facing hundreds of security teams racing to solve simulated problems.
Our response to TunnelCrack research findings
A paper presented earlier this month revealed a security vulnerability in VPNs known as TunnelCrack. Here's what we've done to protect users.
Instagram hacked? 4 ways to get your account back
It’s the most commonly hacked social media service. Find out what to do if your account gets hacked.
2 easy ways to turn off your iPhone VPN
You could do it via your VPN app or in iPhone settings.
Comparing music apps: Price, catalogs, privacy
Music streaming platforms offer more than just playing music. Here’s what to keep in mind when picking one.