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An illustration of a heart-shaped padlock.
18 mins
What is online dating?
Online dating is finding a romantic partner using the internet, typically through a dating app or a website. According...
delete social media apps and online accounts
2 mins
How to delete your Facebook account, Google search history, and more
Need to delete your Facebook account? Remove everything Google knows about you? Here's how!
4 mins
Netflix, Facebook, and Instagram, but for kids?
Some of the biggest tech companies like Netflix and Meta are creating versions of their platforms for young children. Good idea/bad idea?
A rose and numbers.
3 mins
A dozen final roses: ‘The Bachelor’ by the numbers
We take a deep dive into data surrounding the show, from the phrases contestants keep using to the average length of resulting relationships.
App with a "delete" button.
3 mins
What you should do when deleting an app from your phone
Removing an app from your phone does not mean you’ve deleted your account on the service. The app maker still has your information.
mobile phone security icons
26 mins
Ultimate guide to mobile security for iPhone and Android devices
Learn how to keep your privacy safe on the go! Here's everything you need to know to keep your mobile devices safe and secure.
50 mins
How to set up a home server and use it as...
The sovereign individual runs their own bank, on their own server. We show you how to do it, and how to get the most out of it.
Key with a price tag.
6 mins
What is ransomware, and how to prevent it?
Ransomware is a form of malware that uses encryption to hold your data hostage. Here are ways to fix malware and prevent attacks.
How to permanently delete your Instagram account
3 mins
How to permanently delete your Instagram account
Done with Instagram? Here's how to permanently delete your account.
Streaming windows with a Christmas bow.
5 mins
12 best Christmas TV episodes ever
We’ve compiled Christmas-themed episodes from a variety of shows that you should stream this holiday season!

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